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Last Order: Final Fantasy VII

Narrated by Tseng, Last Order switches between the past Nibelheim incident and Zack Fair's escape to Midgar with his unconscious friend, Cloud Strife. During the Nibelheim event flashback, Zack seeks out Sephiroth at the Nibelheim reactor. Sephiroth, crazy after finding out his origins, set fire to the village and after killing many villagers, sought out the Nibelheim reactor and severed the head of Jenova. Zack fights with Sephiroth, but is eventually disarmed and too injured to attack. Soon after, Cloud reaches the Nibelheim reactor and engages in a battle against Sephiroth, but is eventually impaled through the stomach and hung over the reactor core. Cloud pushes himself forward on the sword and throws Sephiroth against a wall. Sephiroth, with Jenova's head, jumps into the reactor core in an attempt to reach the Promised Land. Though Zack and Cloud survive the ordeal, they are taken by Hojo for experimentation.
Posted on 10:16 AM by Xenor and filed under | 2 Comments »


Anonymous said... @ January 27, 2009 at 8:15 PM

part 3 and part 5 are damaged please upload again

Xenor said... @ January 28, 2009 at 12:36 AM

Link is changed.

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